The global stock market closed with a blood bath on last Friday
(21st Aug 2015)! Dow Jones index lost 531 points, or 3.13%, its
biggest single-day decline since year 2011.
On Friday morning, the China government reported that its
manufacturing activity hit a 6-year low in July 2015. In addition with devaluation
of YUAN on last week, I believe most people are in extra worried about China
slowdown. They started to in sell position which leads to a huge drop in global
stock market!
Being the second largest economy country in the world,
slowing down economy in China has a huge impact to the whole world especially
US. I believe the purpose of China government devalued its currency is to increase
the odds of Fed rate hike in September 2015. US had been hinting there will be
hike of Fed rate since earlier by this year. However, even until now it’s still
an open question on whether they would move or not.
With so many uncertainties in the world economic, the global
market is likely to continue drop.
Back to Malaysia, our market continued its falling trend on
last week and dropped to 1,574.61. Even the bull in Nikkei had started to
change its direction! Investors need to beware that the global market is no
longer that optimistic!

Being the weakest currency in
Southeast Asia, Malaysia Ringgit continued to drop on last week. USDMYR had come
to 4.18 and SGDMYR had come to 2.98. I
still remember last year during May, the time I went to Phuket, the exchange
rate for MYR to Baht was still 9.80 but now it is only 8.54, a drop of 13%!
Malaysia government defended that Malaysia fundamental is still strong and stable.
USDMYR should be at around 3.20. Yeah, in fact fundamentally Malaysia is still
consider good, but the negative issues of 1MDB and politics had chase most of
the foreign investors away. They had totally lost confidence to our country. In
addition, Malaysia foreign currency reserve no longer able to support MYR.
Hence, it leads to a free fall on August! The chart tells everything. I am
seriously sad for my own country.

The crude oil price closed on
USD40.45/barrel on last Friday. It is very likely to breach below USD40 by this
coming week! Gold price had shown some reversal but the world commodity metal
such as copper, aluminum, nickel and zinc continued to drop to a new low.

all the signals above, global market will still remain bad. Does it mean
another economic crisis is coming? I will say very likely. Of course, it is
just my opinion based on the current world condition. Expect the unexpected. In
fact, I believe US itself is a bubble.
for sharing.